Welcome To Business In The New's

I am Shaun Manzano, a recent MBA graduate, with specialized training in business modernization, change management, increasing productivity and efficiency, team building - organizational communication, training and knowledge management.

Please feel free to browse and comment on the current articles that I have published.

Shaun Manzano

My Portfolio Presentation

2010 "The Truth about Social Media"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why become a Certified Corporate Trainer?

Why become a Certified Corporate Trainer?

Every industry needs training! The opportunity goes beyond the class rooms of the college and universities and brings the instructor to the business site. You will become an independent contractor for training. You’ll also have the ability to travel to other customer sites, both nationally and internationally to gain a wide range of experience in different locations.

More Opportunities…..
Expand your training opportunities and become certified in Microsoft Tools including Office! It’s all about increasing bottom line, and a more productive & efficient a companies resources are the cheaper their business will run.

What is the difference between JIU’s education certificates or M.Ed degrees? What is the current industry perspective of these certification?

Also, If I obtain my M.Ed in Corporate Training and Knowledge Management would I need to have a certification in either the: Certified Instructor or Certified Corporate Trainer?


I’ll be looking forward to your responses!

Shaun Manzano

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